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@rae: Impredicative types and dynamic types -- useful in parsing JSON
@rae: ImpredicativeTypes and TypeFamilies don't mix
@rae: Getting a little fancy with Haskell's kinds
@rae: Unboxed types in GHC
@rae: Removing (/=) from the Eq type class
@rae: Type families help define functions over length-indexed vectors
@rae: How to use record-update syntax in Haskell (+ some dark corners)
@rae: How to program in types with length-indexed vectors: Part 1
@rae: GHC sometimes infers the wrong type
@rae: What Haskell's deep subsumption is, why we killed it, and then why we resurrected it.
@rae: Connecting linearity and relevance in Dependent Haskell
@rae: RebindableSyntax in Haskell